Scene 5 – Augustus Tolton
The Saint Andrew Parish “Journey to Jesus” makes a stop at 36th Street and Dearborn Street, former site of Saint Monica’s Parish, which was founded by Venerable Father Augustus Tolton, the first Black priest in the United States.
Born into a family of slaves, Augustus had an ardent desire to serve God as a priest. He was sent to Rome for his studies as no seminary in the US wanted to accept a Black seminarian.
After his ordination, Fr Tolton returned to the US to minister to Black Catholics in Alton, Illinois. Eventually Fr. Augustus was forced out of Alton due to the racism and discrimination he experienced from fellow priest. Archbishop Patrick Feehan learned of his plight and invited him to Chicago where he founded St. Monica Parish.
Having devoting his life to his parish and the building of Saint Monica’s Church, Fr. Tolton died at the age of 43. Pope Francis advanced Fr. Tolton’s cause for sainthood on July 12, 2019, in recognition of his living ta virtuous life.
Looking for Christ on the “Journey to Jesus” includes confronting the sin of racism in all its forms. After a summer of heightened racial tensions, the Three Kings, who themselves are of different races, follow the way to the Christ who thought us to see him in all people, regardless of race.
God of creation, who fashioned us in your image and likeness, open our eyes to the sin of racism in our world and in our church. Soften our hardened hearts and make us resolved in efforts to ending racism and discrimination.