Better Together” Covenant Update
As we continue to imagine ways to implement the covenant between St. Andrew and St. Benedict, we are excited to reach out to the larger parish community. We invite you to pray about bringing your skills and talents forward to enrich our parishes and the community around us. We plan to begin our work in earnest in the new year and anticipate a commitment of just a few hours a month.
Initially, the covenant will focus on a few specific areas:
1. Relationship-building – understanding each other’s needs and strengths as a way to recognize co-responsibility to each other
2. Communication and evangelization – increasing inter-parish communications to more effectively collaborate, share pastoral insights and expand outreach to non-churched individuals
3. Leadership development (volunteerism) – affirming existing leadership, inviting new leadership and ensuring parishioners recognize their gifts of leadership
Team leads have been designated at both St. Andrew and St. Benedict, who would be happy to answer any questions you have. Their contact info is below.
Gabe Villareal: gabevillarreal@ gmail.com
DJ Glascott: d_glascott2000@ yahoo.com
Frank Flesch: frflesch@hotmail.com
Maggie Bahler Rizzio: maggiebahler1@gmail. com
This covenant is critical to the growth of our parishes and an important part of bringing the word of God to all those around us. We hope you will feel drawn to be part of the future vitality of our community!