Are you on a journey of discovery?
Are you thinking about becoming Catholic or are you a Catholic who feels you could benefit by a program of renewal to better know and understand the truths that God has written in your heart?
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program at Saint Andrew Parish may be for you.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is for:
An adult who has not been Baptized.
An adult who has not received Confirmation or Holy Communion.
An adult who would like to renew their understanding of the Catholic Faith and relationship with Jesus.
Set up an appointment with our Pastoral Associate David Heimann to discover how this program might serve you.
The tentative meeting time for RCIA will be Wednesday nights from 7:30-8:45 pm.

It starts with some honest questions.
You may feel the pull of questions about becoming Catholic. That’s is good. Starting the Rites of Christian Initiation does not infer you’ve already made up your mind. We explore that together with others who are journeying with you.
If you have questions like, Does God exist? If God is real, how will I respond? Why do I exist? Does life have meaning? If so, what is it? Who is Jesus? What do I think of him? What is the Catholic Church, and why should I enter it?
All of these, and many more, are part of the journey we make with the Rites of Christian Initiation.
Our process is not to have you recite answers back to us that we want to hear, but to learn how the journey with God as a Catholic is one that unfolds with both deeper and deeper solace and mystery the more you seek.

Take the Next Step
If you are looking at becoming Catholic, we encourage you to inquire with the Catholic community in which you are likely to continue participation after being initiated.
If that is Saint Andrew, please contact us through our Pastoral Associate at We we will begin the process of inquiry to see if this decision is right for you.
You may find additional resources helpful at Beginning Catholic. You will be in our prayers as you make the decision for your next step with God.