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Your Sunday Connection for October 11, 2020

Your Sunday Connection for October 11, 2020

Dear Friends,

There are still spaces available to join us for Mass tomorrow Sunday, October11, 2020 at 9:00am. A reservation is required to attend. Please click on the button below to make a reservation.

Make your reservation to attend Mass at

The remainder of this webpage is the Your Sunday Connection prayer guide. Please pray with your household and draw comfort from our God who is ever near to us.

Opening Prayer

May your grace, O Lord, we pray, at all times go before us and follow after and make us always determined to carry out good works. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, on God, for ever and ever.  AMEN

The Readings

Reading 1                          IS 25:6-10A

On this mountain the LORD of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines, juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines. On this mountain he will destroy the veil that veils all peoples, the web that is woven over all nations; he will destroy death forever. The Lord GOD will wipe away  the tears from every face; the reproach of his people he will remove from the whole earth; for the LORD has spoken. On that day it will be said: “Behold our God, to whom we looked to save us! This is the LORD for whom we looked; let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us!” For the hand of the LORD will rest on this mountain.


Reading 2                          PHIL 4:12-14, 19-20

Brothers and sisters:
I know how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance. In every circumstance and in all things I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of living in abundance and of being in need. I can do all things in him who strengthens me. Still, it was kind of you to share in my distress. My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father, glory forever and ever. Amen.


Gospel                               MT 22:1-10

Jesus again in reply spoke to the chief priests and elders of the people in parables, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son. He dispatched his servants to summon the invited guests to the feast, but they refused to come. A second time he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those invited: “Behold, I have prepared my banquet, my calves and fattened cattle are killed, and everything is ready; come to the feast.”’

Some ignored the invitation and went away, one to his farm, another to his business. The rest laid hold of his servants, mistreated them, and killed them. The king was enraged and sent his troops, destroyed those murderers, and burned their city.  Then he said to his servants, ‘The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come.  Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.’ The servants went out into the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, and the hall was filled with guests.”

The Homily

Please click on the video link below to watch the homily for this week.

The Prayers of the Faithful

For the Church, that we may always welcome all who approach with sincere hearts and be a model of acceptance and hospital­ity to all who seek refuge. We pray to the Lord.              LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

For all who feel unaccepted or unworthy due to their circum­stances, hardships, or identity, that they may always realize God’s inclusive invitation.  We pray to the Lord.                         LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

For a growing respect in society for all human life, from concep­tion to natural death, from the main roads to the dingy alleys.  We pray to the Lord.                          LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

For indigenous peoples around the globe, especially those who have suffered generations of rejection or mistreatment, that they may be treated with respect and dignity. We pray to the Lord.                        LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

For those who are homebound or suffering from illness or injury and cannot join us at this feast.  We Pray to the Lord.                          LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

For all who have been affected by COVID19, May God’s healing presence be comfort to them and bring health and well-being.      We pray to the Lord.                      LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

For the departed, who remain with us in our prayers and our memories, and for the promise of a joyful reunion, and especially for:  Benjamin F Smith.    We Pray to the Lord.                            LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

Sunday Offertory

Stewardship of Saint Andrew Parish is the responsibility of us all. Consistently throughout the year, we remind parishioners about stewarding the gifts of Time, Talent, and Treasure to support the mission of Saint Andrew Parish.
During this pandemic, there are many urgent needs, among those needs are caring for the financial obligations of Saint Andrew Parish. If you do not regularly contribute electronically ether weekly or monthly, please consider making a Sunday Offering online through Give Central through the link below.

Spiritual Communion

In many places in the world receiving Holy Communion is not possible. Catholics in these areas are encouraged to make “Spiritual Communion.” St.Teresa of Jesus wrote about this practice:

“When you do not receive communion and you do not attend Mass, you can make a spiritual communion, which is a most beneficial practice; by it the love of God will be greatly impressed on you”

You can make Spiritual Communion by the bringing this prayer to your heart…
“My Jesus, I believe that you are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I long for you in my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though you have already come, I embrace you and unite myself entirely to you; never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.”

Closing Prayer

We entreat your majesty most humbly, O Lord, that, as you give to us the most holy Body and Blood of your Son, so you may make us sharers of his divine nature. Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. AMEN.


Live Stream

In addition to Your Sunday Connection provided by Saint Andrew Parish, the Sunday 9:00am Mass will be live streamed. Join the broadcast.

Please click on the button below to see a copy of the Sunday Bulletin.

Contact Us

Church and Rectory

The church is located at the corner of Paulina and Addison
3546 N Paulina St, Chicago, IL 60657  Office Phone: 773-525-3016
Office Hours: M-F 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Sat 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Sun 9:00 AM – Noon.

The chapel, auditorium, and social hall are located at the corner of Hermitage and Addison.

Saint Andrew School

The school and gym are located at the corner of Paulina and Addison
1710 W Addison St, Chicago, IL 60613  Office Phone: 773-248-2500

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil

3:00 PM Reconciliation (Church)
4:00 PM Mass (church)


9:00 AM Mass (church)
11:00 AM Mass (church)
5:00 PM Mass (church)

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