Thank you for expressing interest in volunteering with Saint Andrew Parish! Our mission is in need of talented individuals like you.
Below are several ministries where you can serve. Please be aware that some ministries may be temporarily suspended or modified due to the pandemic.
Parish Ministries
Outreach Ministries
Volunteering Recent Messages
January 12, 2025Supporting Saint Benedict Parish
Hello, I hope you are having a good weekend! We are sending this note in anticipation of the possibility that we may be called upon to support Saint Benedict Parish. As you may know, this past week t …
January 18, 2024Action Needed – Volunteering at Saint Andrew Parish
Dear Volunteer at Saint Andrew, In the life-cycle of every parish, things change from year to year. Saint Andrew is no different. We have recently discovered a burst of activity and participation in t …
October 13, 2020Volunteers Needed – Fall 2020
We're in need of some help! Put your talents to use with one or more of the following volunteer opportunities. Volunteer at Mass Lectors, Sacristans, and Safety Team Volunteers needed! Our Reope …
Subscribe to receive notifications when we are in need of Volunteers! Postings are made via our Flocknote group for Volunteers.
Catechist for Religious Education
Description: There is a constant need for volunteers to witness to our faith through our Religious Education program. We are looking for men and women who are open to growing in and sharing their faith with others. Instruction and training are provided.
Contact: David Heimann,
Time commitment: One-two times/month
All volunteers who will have access to or work with children must undergo a background check and safe environment training before they can begin service.

Liturgy of the Word for Children
Description: Volunteers are needed for the Liturgy of the Word for Children which takes place during the 10:00am Mass on Sunday mornings. Volunteers read the Sunday readings to children and help explain the readings in a meaningful way using resources supplied by the parish.
Contact: David Heimann,
Time commitment: Once a month
All volunteers who will have access to or work with children must undergo a background check and safe environment training before they can begin service.

Liturgical Ministries
Description: Get more out of mass and glorify God! Consider volunteering in any of our liturgical ministries. Our online scheduling system allows parishioners to plan ahead for family events, being out of town, and finding substitutes when an unexpected conflict arises.
Hospitality Ministers assist worshipers to fully and actively participate in the celebration of mass. This includes greeting, ushering, and – most of all – being a warm presence for all who come to Saint Andrew!
Eucharistic Ministers serve the community by distributing Holy Communion to the congregation during Mass.
Lectors proclaim the Scriptures at Mass, lead the general intercessions, and read the announcements at Mass.
Altar Servers assist the priest at Mass. Children ages fourth grade and up and many adults serve as Altar Servers at Mass. Annual Altar Server training happens at the start of each school year, however, new servers are welcome to join at any time.
Sacristans prepare the physical objects and elements used in the Mass and other liturgies, assist the presider during the celebration, and when the liturgy is over, clean and put away the objects and vessels that were used.
Liturgical Musicians help to lead the assembly in song during Saturday vigil and Sunday Masses.
Contact: Please direct all inquiries to or call 773-525-3016 to express interest..
Time commitment: Once or twice a month, automatically and self-scheduled

Seasonal Fundraisers
Description: Help set up, tear down, or staff one of these fun events to support the school and parish!
Date at the Lake: Held in September, the event kicks off with a round of Golf at the Marovitz Golf Course here in Chicago, and ends with dinner and dancing on the lakefront. Features live entertainment, an open bar, silent auction, and raffle.
Running of the Bulldogs—5K Race: Held in late fall, the Running of the Bulldogs is an annual 5K Run-Walk at the Chicago lakefront. All money raised from this event goes to support Athletic Programs at Saint Andrew School and another named charity.
Lenten Fish Fry: Join us for a classic Fish Fry during the Lenten Season at the Saint Andrew Parish Gym. Live music and festive environment make it a BYOB blast.
Wearin’ the Green: Wearin’ the Green is an annual Parish benefit held in March in the parish gymnasium. The event features live rock and folk music, Irish Dancers, catered dinner, open bar, and exciting live and silent auctions throughout the evening.
Contact: Julie Richards,
Time commitment: Once a year/seasonally

Parish Leadership
Description: Parishioners can offer leadership to the parish community by serving on one of the several parish commissions or councils. The commissions assist the pastor in his leadership of the parish by engaging the people and the pastor in common reflection about the parish’s mission and its various ministries.
Faith Formation Commission
Worship Commission
Social Concerns Commission
Stewardship Commission
Building Committee
Finance Council
Contact: Father Sergio Romo,
Time commitment: Four meetings/year; 2 year commitment
Food and Clothing Drives
Description: Participate in regular drives for shelters and organizations in our area, including St. Mary of the Lake, St. Thomas of Canterbury, and Giving Tree! Donate supplies, help collect, or deliver items to local organizations.
Contact: Postings are made via our Flocknote group for Volunteers. Sign up using the button below.
Time commitment: As needed, 1-4 times/year

Meals from the Heart
Description: This ministry supports parishioners experiencing a major life event, such as a new birth, death, or severe illness in the family. After confirming a meal is desired and scheduling a delivery date, an email is sent to volunteers asking for their culinary contributions, with details about dietary needs.
Contact: Stephanie Mewborn,
Time commitment: As needed, 1-2 times/year

Greater Chicago Food Depository
Description: Volunteers from Saint Andrew parish serve once per month at the Greater Chicago Food Depository by repacking food items that get distributed to local food pantries. Not only does this serve Chicagoland, the time worked become food credits that are used to purchase food for Saint Mary of the Lake Food Pantry. More information can be found on the Greater Chicago Food Depository volunteer page.
Contact: Nancy Holland,
Time commitment: Once a month, self-scheduled

One Heart Uganda
Description: For several years, Saint Andrew has enjoyed a strong relationship with Fr. Matthias Kakooza from Uganda. He makes annual visits to Chicago to share stories of the growing church in Uganda. Each year during his visit, we hold a special appeal to support his ministries (Parish to Parish). Inspired by his mission, many parishioners support Ugandan students by providing a scholarship for their tuition dollars annually (One Heart Uganda) or by contributing to the building and support of new schools in Fr. Matthias’ area (Essomero). Additional information can be found on our One Heart Uganda volunteer page.
Contact: Visit for more information
Time commitment: Annual help with appeal, or zero time commitment (through financial sponsorship)

Have a Hard Time Deciding?
Call the Rectory at 773-525-3016 to speak with our Pastoral Ministry Assistant, Megan Daigle, or email her at
Sign up to receive notifications when we are in need of Volunteers! Postings are made via our Flocknote group for Volunteers.